Gain By

Earn up to

₹5.4 lakhs

on each confirm booking

Just refer any siddha project to friends and family and earn great rewards.

How does it work

Enroll yourself in Siddha Referral Program

Enroll yourself in Siddha Referral Program

Refer your Friends and Acquaintances

Refer your Friends and Acquaintances

If your contact buys Siddha Home, YOU EARN

If your contact buys Siddha Home, YOU EARN

Steps to refer and earn rewards

Step 1

If you are an existing customer visit Siddha Group website (

Step 2

Open Refer All tab or click on Customer Connect menu and go to Referral Benefit

Step 3

Fill up the form

Step 4

Click send

  • After submission, the form is recorded in our database/system.
  • Make sure you refer your friends and family to Siddha before they visit the site
  • Once your referee books any flat in a Siddha project and the Agreement for Sale/Flat Sale Agreement FSA is executed against the booked unit, our concerned team processes the referral benefit which is then paid out to you.
Download Referral Scheme
Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

  • Referral benefit is not applicable for any broker booking
  • Your referee cannot claim the Referral Benefit after the site visit is conducted
  • Source in the booking form has to be the Existing Buyer with name and unit number
  • This scheme is not applicable for any resale flats
  • Scheme is valid for a limited period only

How are you benefitted

The highest compliment you can pay is entrusting us with personal referrals to your family and friends. And, you get to earn on every successful referral. We thank you for your continued patronage and it would be great if you can pass the good referral around. And, tell us a little about whom you are referring. If you know someone who is planning to buy a new house or is thinking of investing in a property, tell us. Fill this simple form and we will get in touch with your friend at the earliest. Please note that all referrals must be registered prior to their purchase, and must comply with the terms and conditions. And you avail attractive referral incentives on every successful sale closure. So, refer more to earn more.


  • Build Your Community - Like Minded People as Your Neighbour
  • Refer Siddha Homes to your friends and acquaintances and stand a chance to earn more.
How are you benefitted

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