Please provide the Foreclosure/NOC, if you have any bank loan, post which Nomination Request will be processed.
Have you bought flat through?
(If one choose through nomintion, then they have to upload Sales Agreement)
Have you done Flat sale Agreement Registration?
Flat Sale Conveyance Registration
Dear Sir/Madam, The conveyance deed registration of your flat has already been done. You are now legally entitled to directly deal with your flat as you deem fit and execution the necessary registration of conveyance deed in favour of your new buyer. You do not required any further nomination from Siddha. Thank You, Siddha Customer Care
As on date flat dues cleared?
New Sale Through
Have You Availed Any Bank Loan for purchasing the said flat?
Bank NOC / Loan Foreclosure letter available?
Upload Bank NOC/ Loan Foreclosure letter
Upload Nominee KYC Documents
Upload Your (Seller) KYC Documents
Please connect with our helpdesk at 033 4041 4444 to understand & know your current outstanding.
Have you cleared as on date CAM outstanding?
Please connect with your home loan bank to obtain the NOC/ Loan Foreclosure letter. This document is mandatory to process the nomination.
Please note that we are accepting your nomination request but will be processed once your outstanding CAM is paid.
Will Nominee obtain Bank Loan?
(If one choose through No, then they have to upload Bank Sanction Letter)
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